Washington University’s code of conduct was first published and distributed in April 2002. Revisions have occurred since that time. The code can be reviewed and downloaded at the link below. The version of the code of conduct on this site is current, with all post-April 2002 revisions included. Further revisions will be incorporated on this site as they occur.

The code of conduct can be reviewed and downloaded by clicking here on this link.


TO: Members of the Washington University Community
FROM: Andrew D. Martin, Chancellor
RE: Washington University Code of Conduct

As members of the Washington University community, we are all responsible for maintaining the highest ethical standards in our community and our professions, and for complying with all relevant laws and regulations.

In April 2000, the university, with the encouragement and guidance of the Board of Trustees, established a University Compliance Office. As part of this effort, a Washington University code of conduct has been created. The code of conduct is not a list of rules. It is a statement of the ethical and legal standards we use as the basis for our decisions and actions. All members of the university community should integrate these standards into their daily university activities.

The Code of Conduct consists of this message, a Statement of General Principles, Procedures for Reporting Violations or Concerns, and Questions and Answers.

The Code of Conduct may be revised from time to time. An up-to-date version of the code will always be available on this website.

Questions about the code of conduct may be directed to the Executive Director of Compliance and Audit.

The full code of conduct can be downloaded at the the link provided above.